Jenkins 2.x

PR plugin & Shared Libraries

Preethy Manohar

Capital One


Jenkins 2.x - PR plugin

Why ?

  • Existing PR plugin : Caboose
  • Leverage Enterprise Jenkins capabilities
  • Retire Caboose
  • Save infrastrucure cost used by Caboose

PR plugin with multibranch

How ?

Enable webhook in github webhook

Create PR plugin with multibranch

How ?

  • Create a mulitbranch pipeline in Jenkins
  • Configure the pipeline to use Jenkinsfile in the repo
Build config Analysis Build config Analysis

Jenkins Shared Libraries

What is it?

Write code having common patterns once and store the scripts in SCM repository to share with various projects.

Why Shared Libraries ?

Common patterns are likely to emerge in integration and delivery pipelines when:

  • building mulitple microservices
  • applications are built on similar technology stack
  • deploy applications in a standardized way

Benefits of Shared Libraries

  • Centralize Jenkins Pipeline configuration.
  • Avoid copy and paste code from one Jenkinsfile to another.
  • Reuse the code
  • Change build process without committing to all repos.
  • Shared libraries keep Jenkinsfile small and simple.
  • Reduce redundancy and keep code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)
  • Less maintenance effort

Create Shared Libraries - How ?

  • Create a mulitbranch pipeline in Jenkins
  • Configure the pipeline to use Jenkinsfile in the repo
  • Configure the pipeline to use Pipeline libraries
shared lib

Use Shared Libraries from Jenkinsfle

shared lib

  • Demo
Build config Analysis
  • Questions
  • Thank You